Ripperter Str. 47e

67304 Eisenberg


Persönlicher Kundenservice

Mo-Sa: 8:00-12:00
Mo, DI, Do, Fr: 14:00-18:00


Quality from Rinteln: Made in Germany

Here you will find out more about our daily activities. Who we are, our philosophy and our history. And about what we do to do our part to protect our environment. Come on a journey that tells the story of the industrial enclosure and find out where this journey is going.

Pillars of success


Red Vertical Line

Our business areas

Development, production and sales.

We focus primarily on the best possible customer benefit in the development and production of our enclosures. It is a permanent challenge for us to provide tailor-made solutions in order to be able to always satisfy the changing needs of our customers with service at the highest level. Customers, markets and our special skills are the benchmarks for everything we do. Development, production and sales are of course ISO 9001 certified.
ROLEC persistently pursues the goal of being the innovation leader in the markets we have selected.


Satisfied customers

We only exist thanks to our customers.

When a customer has a question, we listen carefully. If he has a special requirement, we will come up with a solution. In this way, we are constantly improving our products, our services and our long-term business relationships. ROLEC provides its customers with first-class products and services. We meet customer requirements to the greatest possible extent through our presence on site and supported by our global network. We create real added value for our customers’ applications.



Together with our customers and suppliers, we develop and deliver innovative solutions.

Our solutions in the field of high-quality enclosures ensure that our customers’ applications are protected as well as possible and offer lasting value retention. Our enclosures not only increase the quality of customer products, but also improve their possibilities in terms of further development, design and technology. Our product lines and product solutions are developed with the help of active, global research in the technology area and through communication with our international partners. We are interested in cooperations and projects to develop new business opportunities and fields. Our innovations are geared towards the future-oriented applicability of our housings and increased added value.


Suppliers & partnerships

A good supplier can become a strategy partner – a key factor in our success.

We are always interested in long-term and reliable business relationships with our suppliers. We rely on our suppliers. Accordingly, we expect quality, punctuality and reliability. Joint innovations and developments from which both sides benefit are only possible with good supplier relationships. The price-performance ratio of our suppliers must be in a healthy relationship to our long-term ideas of quality and service. Suppliers who are crucial to our business and who are just as trustworthy can become strategy partners.


Global trading

We are close to our customers and understand their needs.

ROLEC is present with its products wherever they are needed and the framework conditions are right. We actively analyze and develop markets around the world. ROLEC respects the people, their special culture and the natural environment in every country in the world. All ROLEC products are marketed internationally. We look forward to new collaborations – wherever additional markets can be opened up in the world. We act quickly on the global market and take long-term perspectives into account.


Our employees

Motivated employees are our most valuable success factor.

Open and respectful interaction with one another is the prerequisite for the long-term successful development of our company. ROLEC promotes a permanent improvement process through continuous further education and training of our employees. In return, we expect all employees to bring their personal skills to the company in the best possible way. We encourage everyone to make suggestions and show initiative. If mistakes happen, we discuss them openly. We see this as an opportunity to learn from it together for the future. Personal goals and corporate goals are always shaped by common interests. Our employees represent our greatest potential and clearly set us apart from the competition.


Executives with role model function

Our managers have additional tasks that have to be performed.

Our management team is responsible for the motivation and development of all team members. They help to show a social, cultural and environmental awareness. All managers align their personal initiative with the overall goal and are measurable in relation to the responsibility imposed. The management team is networked nationally and internationally and each individual is accordingly mobile. Each management member contributes to the consistently positive image of the ROLEC brand – both internally and externally. Our managers form a strong team together with all employees.


Family company with firm values

ROLEC is a living example of the particular strengths of a traditional family company.

The continued existence of ROLEC as a family-run company has the highest priority. The philosophy of our family business offers a special measure of personal development opportunities. It demands personal commitment, responsibility and willingness to cooperate from each individual. This not only includes maintaining the successful tradition and personal ties. This also includes flexibility, quick decisions and responding to individual needs. Our entrepreneurial activity takes into account, in the broadest sense, the special responsibility towards our environment and society. The ROLEC style is sincere, straightforward and geared towards continuity. At ROLEC, debt and equity have always been in a solid and healthy relationship. As a result, long-term performance is more important to us than short-term gains. Efficiency, profitability, use of resources and appropriate added value are necessary to maintain the company’s financial strength over the long term. They should also ensure independence from outside investors in the long term. As an independent family company, ROLEC guarantees lasting value growth.

Destribution channels

Your contact person

Our customer service team at the ROLEC headquarters in Rinteln will be happy to provide you with advice and assistance. Just give us a call or send an email. We look forward to supporting you in all ROLEC matters.

International sales

More than half of ROLEC’s sales come from exports. Particular emphasis is placed on Europe, the USA and Japan. ROLEC also has its own direct sales subsidiaries in the Netherlands, Italy and India.

Sales Germany

In Germany, ROLEC products are sold through the “ORCA Gehäusetechnik” sales organization, which was founded in 2001 together with our partner OKW. 


As a family company, with the third generation now also developing and producing enclosures, we do of course reflect upon the future. We would like to leave our children and grandchildren with an ecology, economic situation and social fabric that is as sustainable as possible. We are of the opinion that one cannot be had without the other. That is why at ROLEC we place environmental perspectives on the same level with social and economic perspectives. Thus, we constantly ask ourselves what we can do as a producer of enclosures to act as environmentally friendly as possible in our daily work.


In today’s world, optimal waste management is no longer an urgent necessity alone, it is also a success factor that should not be underestimated. It makes a sustainable contribution to efficient operational procedures and profitable cost structures.

That is why ROLEC places its trust in a specialist in water and recycling management: REMONDIS. The company has a broad range of services covering virtually every field. The central focus is on establishing closed material cycles. For processing materials and returning them into the business cycle is the best path for a sustainable future from an economical and ecological perspective.

REMONDIS’ special expertise is underscored by its sustainability certificate. The certificate was developed based on the DIN EN ISO 14040 eco balance in collaboration with the independent institute ATZ. The certificate can be used to identify the savings attained in primary raw materials, energy and greenhouse gas emissions through the processing of waste and residual materials. The entire service chain can be implemented into the analysis – from logging the waste and transport, sorting and preparation to utilisation of the respective fractions. Ergo, a partner who thinks like we do.

Green electricity – supply via photovoltaic system

Many years ago, we invested in energy-efficient technology and installed a combined heat and power plant (CHP) on our company premises. In the meantime, we have invested in a photovoltaic system and fitted it to the roofs of both production halls. This means that we produce 40% of our electricity requirements ourselves. In addition, we buy electricity from a service provider that produces 100% green electricity.

Water conservation and recycling

We have never simply let the waste water produced during the processing of our products run into the sewage system. We collect it, filter it and use it again and again. After all, water is a precious commodity. So despite the extra effort involved, treatment is definitely worthwhile. In addition, this year we invested in a new vacuum evaporation system with modern, energy-saving heat pump technology for our surface coating. As all products have to be cleaned before coating, there was always a high water consumption here. The new system vaporises the used water, heavy particles remain in the cleaning system and the condensation water is collected and reused for the next washing process. This saves around 600,000 litres of water every year.

Waste disposal and recycling

Nowadays, optimised waste management is not only an urgent necessity, but also a success factor that should not be underestimated. It makes a lasting contribution to efficient operating processes and profitable cost structures. 

For this reason, ROLEC relies on a specialist in the water and environmental service branch: REMONDIS. The company offers a wide range of services covering almost all areas. The focus here is on realising closed material cycles. After all, processing materials and returning them to the economic cycle is the best way to ensure a sustainable future from both an economic and ecological point of view.

REMONDIS’ special expertise is demonstrated by its sustainability certificate. This was developed together with the independent institute, ATZ, based on the ecological balance sheet according to DIN EN ISO 14040. The certificate can be used to show the savings in primary raw materials, energy and greenhouse gas emissions achieved by treating waste and residual materials. The entire service chain – from waste collection, transport, sorting and processing through to the recycling of the respective fractions – is included in the analysis. A partner who thinks like we do.

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