How to Make AI-Written Blogs More Human-Like: Easy Tips for Better Content

Make AI-Written Blogs more human-like with these tips
Reading Time: 5 minutes

In the era of AI-generated content, it’s easy to produce vast amounts of written material quickly. However, the challenge many face is how to make AI-written blogs sound more human-like. For website owners and content creators, ensuring that AI-generated content feels authentic, relatable, and human is crucial to connect with readers and rank well in search engines like Google and Bing.

In this blog post, we’ll explore practical steps to make AI-written blogs more human-like. From improving readability to optimizing for SEO, you’ll learn everything needed to improve your AI content so that it resonates with real people.

In this age of Artificial Intelligence, a large amount of written content can be created very easily and quickly. But the content written by this AI often serves the same information to different people in the same way, which is not desired by the readers. Many times the readers want different information in the same content, or want to read in a different style, but it is not available in the content written by AI. So if you want readers to read more and get a different taste, you need to present the content written by this AI in a more human way. And this human writing or content is more likely to rank well in search engines like Google and Bing. useful

In this blog post we will discuss what steps we can take to make AI-written blogs more human. From simplifying and improving readability to optimizing for SEO, you’ll learn everything you need to improve your AI content so it resonates with real people.


Why AI-Written Content Needs a Human Touch

AI-generated content can save time, but it often lacks the natural flow and emotional depth that human-written content provides. Readers tend to engage more with content that feels personal, conversational, and aligned with their expectations. If your AI-written content lacks these qualities, it may lead to high bounce rates, lower user engagement, and a negative impact on your SEO rankings.

To address these challenges, you need to fine-tune AI-written content and ensure it reflects a more human tone and style. Let’s dive into how to improve AI-written blogs and make them more human-like.

1. Make AI-Written Blogs Sound Conversational

When improving AI-written content, focus on making it conversational. AI-generated content often uses formal or robotic language. By adding a conversational tone, you can make your content feel more natural and reader-friendly.

Tips to Achieve a Conversational Tone:

  • Use simple language: Avoid complex words and jargon. Write in a way that a beginner can understand.
  • Include contractions: For example, write “don’t” instead of “do not.”
  • Address the reader directly: Use words like “you” and “your” to engage the reader.


Before: “It is important to ensure that AI-written content is optimized.” After: “You’ll want to make sure your AI-written content feels natural.”

2. Make AI-Written Blogs More Emotionally Engaging

Humans respond well to emotions, so incorporating emotion in your AI-written blogs can make them more relatable. Emotionally charged content tends to capture attention, making the reader feel more connected.

Tips to Add Emotion to AI-Written Content:

  • Use emotional adjectives: Words like “amazing,” “exciting,” or “challenging” add more depth.
  • Share relatable experiences: Use storytelling to evoke empathy.
  • Ask questions: Questions can engage readers emotionally and make them feel more involved.


Before: “AI-generated content can help you save time.” After: “Isn’t it amazing how AI can help you save so much time?”

3. Improve Readability for a Human Audience

Even if AI can generate content quickly, readability is key to making it digestible for humans. The easier your content is to read, the more likely readers will stay on your page and engage.

Tips to Improve Readability:

  • Short sentences and paragraphs: Long, complex sentences can make your content hard to follow.
  • Bullet points and lists: Breaking information into lists improves readability.
  • Subheadings: Use H2 and H3 tags to organize your content clearly, making it skimmable.


Before: “AI-generated content has various benefits for digital marketers, and many are utilizing AI to optimize the content production process.” After: “AI-generated content has plenty of benefits for digital marketers. Here’s why many are using AI to improve content creation:”

4. Optimize AI-Written Blogs for SEO

No matter how well-written your content is, it needs to be optimized for search engines. Proper SEO helps AI-written blogs rank higher on Google and Bing, ensuring that more people discover them.

SEO Optimization Tips:

  • Use keywords strategically: Incorporate your focus keyphrase “Make AI-Written Blogs” throughout the post.
  • Internal and external linking: Link to other relevant articles, both within your website and reputable external sources.
  • Meta descriptions: Ensure that your meta descriptions are clear, engaging, and include your keyphrase.


Before: “AI content can be helpful for your SEO.” After: “To improve SEO, it’s crucial to make AI-written blogs more human-like, ensuring they rank better.”

5. Personalize Your AI-Written Blogs

One key way to make your AI-written blog posts more human-like is by adding a personal touch. Readers love feeling that they are interacting with a real person, even in digital content.

Tips to Personalize Content:

  • Include personal anecdotes: Share personal experiences to make your content feel more genuine.
  • Use first-person language: For example, “I believe” or “In my experience.”
  • Mention reader benefits: Focus on how the content can help the reader.


Before: “AI-generated blogs can improve content production.” After: “In my experience, using AI to create blogs has saved me hours of work.”

Check AI written with

First, use different AI tools to write two or three separate blog posts on the same topic. Each post may have a different style, structure, or content.


Create Different Blog Posts:

1. Compare and Match the Blog Posts:

  • Look at the main content of each blog post.
  • Compare the important parts: which post explains the information best.
  • Find sections like introduction, body, conclusion, FAQ, etc., and decide which parts can be used together.

2. Combine the Blog Posts into One:

  • Take the best parts from each blog post and combine them into one final post.
  • Edit the content so everything flows smoothly and is well-organized. Make sure the same information isn’t repeated.
  • Add SEO-friendly headings, subheadings, and keywords.
  • Finally, write a proper conclusion and make sure the post reads well.


  1. AI-Generated Post 1 – [Gives detailed information]
  2. AI-Generated Post 2 – [Gives simple and short explanation]
  3. AI-Generated Post 3 – [Includes real-life examples]

3.Take parts from each post to create a complete blog, where:

  • The first post gives detailed information,
  • The second post provides simple explanations,
  • The third post includes real-life examples.

By combining parts of different posts, you can create one well-written and professional blog post.


FAQ: Making AI-Written Blogs More Human-Like

1. How can I make my AI-generated content more natural?

To make AI content more natural, use simple language, incorporate conversational tones, and add emotional appeal. Ensure the sentences are short and easy to read.

2. What tools can I use to check the readability of my AI-written blogs?

You can use tools like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor to improve readability, ensuring that the content flows smoothly.

3. Can AI-written content affect my SEO rankings?

Yes, poorly optimized AI content can hurt SEO. Ensure your content is SEO-friendly by incorporating key phrases, adding meta descriptions, and linking to relevant resources.

4. How often should I review my AI-generated content?

It’s a good practice to review and edit AI-written content before publishing to ensure that it aligns with your target audience and goals.

Improve AI-Written Blogs for Better Engagement

Making AI-written blogs more human-like is essential for improving user engagement and SEO performance. By using conversational tones, adding emotional depth, and optimizing for readability, you can create content that feels natural and resonates with readers.

Incorporate these steps in your AI-written content to ensure it ranks better and connects with your audience.

Learn more about fixing common SEO problems like

“Crawled- Currently Not Indexed”: How to Fix This SEO Issue?

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